Blog: Summer Survival Tips for a Stay-at-Home Parent

This is my 3rd Summer as a stay-at-home parent—after some trial and error, I have some tried and true tricks that have kept summer days sane and super fun!

Blog: Brick Workout Training for Triathletes

Have you ever heard someone refer to a brick workout? Not sure what exactly that means, or how to start incorporating it into your triathlon training?

Blog: Workout or Play Time?

You rarely hear the phrase, "yay it's time to go workout!!!" I mean it's a workout not play time right? Or is it?

Blog: How Being "Selfish" Has Made Me a Better Mother

Though I've been "me" far longer than I've been "mom," when I reflect on who I am as an individual, the type of mother I am is always first to mind.

Blog: Kayak Exercises and Indoor Training

There's a new type of triathlon that incorporates kayaking! Here a few tips for training for this race and some good kayak exercises in general.

Blog: Planning a Wellness Budget

You may find yourself cutting corners to get a new car, a new home, take a vacation, or start a family; it's important not to forget a wellness budget too.

Blog: Aqua Yoga: Why You Need to Try it!

As someone who practices yoga rather inconsistently, I was eager to try Aqua Yoga at Elite Mequon.

Blog: 10 Workouts To Do With Your Dog

Looking to spice up your fitness routine with our dog? Then look no further! Here are 10 awesome workout ideas for puppy and people!

Blog: Top 10 Exercises to Do During Pregnancy

Looking to continue your fitness routine while expecting? Check out these safe pregnancy workouts.

Blog: 8 Quick And Clever Ways To Cool Down After Your Workout

Hard workout leave you feeling over heated? Try these tips to cool off!