Mind & Body - The Gift of Self-Care

In a fast-paced world, where our lives are often consumed by the demands of countless responsibilities, it’s easy to forget the most important person in the equation: ourselves. We often neglect self-care in the hustle and bustle of daily life, only to pay a hefty price in the long run. Self-care, however, is not a luxury but a necessity, a gift you can give yourself. We’ll explore the profound importance of self-care, both for the mind and body, and why it’s the ultimate gift you can bestow upon yourself. (more…)

The Power of Gratitude - Giving Thanks for Good Health

In a world filled with constant distractions and challenges, it’s all too easy to overlook the many blessings we often take for granted. Among these, good health stands out as one of the most precious gifts life has to offer. The ability to enjoy a vibrant and active life, free from the burden of illness and pain, is something we should never underestimate. It’s in this spirit of appreciation that we explore the power of gratitude and the profound impact it can have on our well-being.


Mindful Eating During the Holidays - A Gift to Yourself

As the holiday season approaches, so does the anticipation of delicious feasts, sweet treats, and festive gatherings. While this time of year is filled with joy and celebration, it can also be a challenging period for those trying to maintain healthy eating habits. However, with a little mindfulness, you can savor the season without overindulging. Here are some tips for mindful eating during the holidays so you can savor your food and avoid overindulging.


Giving the Gift of Health - Inspiring Wellness in Others

When it comes to giving the gift of health to a friend or family member, there’s a unique and powerful way to kickstart their wellness journey: the health club guest pass. This simple yet impactful gesture can introduce them to a world of fitness, health, and community support they may not have experienced before. (more…)

HIIT or Treat - Fun and Challenging Halloween-Themed Workouts

The autumn season is in full swing, and with Halloween just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to add a spooky twist to your fitness routine. If you’re tired of your usual workouts and want to inject some fun and festivity into your fitness regimen, why not try Halloween-themed HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts? These high-energy, calorie-burning routines will get your heart rate up while keeping the Halloween spirit alive. Here are some spooktacular workout ideas to get you started.


The Science of Fall Weight Loss - How Seasonal Changes Affect Your Body

As the leaves begin to change color and the air turns crisp, the arrival of fall brings about more than just pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters. The transition from summer to autumn can have a significant impact on our bodies, including our metabolism and weight. Learn more about the the science behind fall weight loss and how the seasonal changes affect your body.


Flex Tennis Leagues in Milwaukee

Join in the fun of Elite’s popular tennis flex tennis leagues in Milwaukee! Sign up to play every week or jump in when it works for your schedule. Meet new people, play new players!  You simply sign up and just show up!


Fall Fitness Challenges - Setting and Achieving Your Autumn Workout Goals

As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, the fall season brings with it a unique opportunity to renew your commitment to fitness. While it’s easy to get cozy indoors with warm blankets and pumpkin spice lattes, the autumn season also offers the perfect backdrop for achieving your fitness goals. Here are some tips on how to set and conquer fall fitness challenges to keep you motivated and active during this beautiful season.


Trainer Highlight - Ryan Schmidt

Ryan Schmidt is a certified personal trainer at Elite Sports Club-Mequon. Ryan specializes in strength training, weight loss, and bodybuilding. Whether you are new to fitness or are experienced in your fitness routine, Ryan loves working with his clients on their specific goals. Learn more about Ryan’s background! (more…)

After-School Family Fitness

The school bell rings, and the whirlwind of after-school activities begins. From homework to extracurriculars, it can be a challenge to prioritize family fitness. However, at Elite Sports Clubs, we understand that a healthy lifestyle should fit seamlessly into your daily routine. That’s why we offer a range of amenities designed to help the whole family get active and stay fit after school.
